The REALTOR® Difference… More than just a Licensee!
Did you know? Only REALTORS®, not licensees, are fighting right now to preserve the federal Mortgage Interest Deduction on first and second homes.
Did you know? Only REALTORS®, not licensees, fought to create a tax exemption on the first $500,000 of capital gains from the sale of a principal residence.
Did you know? Only REALTORS®, not licensees, are the only line of defense against government legislation and taxation of your home.
Any real estate licensee can help clients buy or sell a home, but only a REALTOR® keeps working to protect their investment long after the sale. Not every real estate licensee is a REALTOR®. As a REALTOR®, you have made a choice to help lead the fight to protect your client’s investment, preserve private property rights, and defend the American Dream of homeownership. The political activity of REALTORS® at all levels of government is saving homeowners thousands of dollars over their lifetime.
• Higher Production
• Strongest Voice in Washington
• Access to the Best Data and Tools
• Access to Professional Designations
• Support for Local Communities
Download the flyer to share with your clients! REALTOR® – A Registered collective membership mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the National Association of REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics. Inquiries regarding the Code of Ethics should be directed to the board in which a REALTOR® holds membership.
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