Another great general membership meeting us behind us. If you missed it this month then I sure hope we see you in August. For those who were in attendance then you know we had a fantastic guest speaker.
Robert G. Chambers with the Hwy 20 Coalition joined us and shared a very informative presentation on what the future could be for Hwy 20. He was kind enough to share the file with me so that as many of us as possible have access to this information.
This is big stuff that could have a major impact on our County as well as the neighborhoods and homeowners who live in this section of town. The goal of the Hwy 20 Coalitions is to “keep Hwy 20 on Hwy 20”.
Take a look at the presentation. This could come in handy for you if you have clients who live along any of the areas with proposed changes OR if you’re working with buyers looking to purchase a home here.
Questions? Please feel free to reach out to Robert via email at Follow them on Facebook: Visit them online at
Download the presentation:
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