The New Era in Real Estate Closings
3 Hour CE Class
Taught by Flint, Connolly & Walker, LLP
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Registration begins at 1:00 pm
Class from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Heavy hors d’voeuvres and cocktails will be served following the class.
Brief Description
Flint, Connolly & Walker, LLP (“FCW”) invites you to its GREC approved Real Estate Agent Continuing Education Seminar. Our goal is that attendees will gain a depth of knowledge regarding the upcoming changes to residential real estate closing procedures arising out of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) regulations that take effect on October 3, 2015 (date subject to change per CFPB). Additionally, FCW will provide instruction relating to the common mistakes made in real estate transactions that result in litigation, and measures that Real Estate Agents may implement to protect themselves and their clients.
Flint, Connolly & Walker, LLP Office
131 East Main Street
Canton, Georgia 3011
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